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When Does a Sprained Ankle Require Expert Evaluation?

When Does a Sprained Ankle Require Expert Evaluation?

Your ankles are complicated networks of bones, ligaments, tendons, and muscles, all of which help you stay upright as you move throughout the world. But because your ankles experience some level of stress with each step you take, it’s not surprising that most people run into issues at one point or another.

If you recently sprained your ankle, the good news is that most of these injuries heal by themselves with self-care and rest. 

That said, some ankle sprains need medical care to properly heal. To help you determine when you can wait it out and when you need expert evaluation, our SmartClinic Urgent Care team built this guide. Will home care suffice, or could it be serious enough for you to visit our clinic for an X-ray and medical treatment?

When you can give it a few days

If the ankle pain is severe, you have an open wound, or if the pain gets worse with time, come visit us for urgent care treatment right away. That’s also true if you have signs of infection, such as redness and swelling, at the injury site or a fever of more than 100 degrees Fahrenheit. 

If none of that applies, you’re usually safe to wait a few days before seeking medical care. Take steps to care for your ankle at home to help it heal.

That starts with staying off of the ankle as much as possible. Ask for help around the house, and use crutches if you have them. Rest is one piece of the RICE protocol — rest, ice, compression, and elevation — that supports your recovery. Using the RICE method means:

You can also take medication such as ibuprofen or naproxen to fight any inflammation and support your ankle’s healing. 

Seeking expert evaluation for a sprained ankle

If it’s been a few days and your ankle doesn’t seem to be improving at all, it’s time to see a medical professional. Here at our office, we have diagnostic tools like X-rays to figure out what’s going on with your ankle. We can properly diagnose your injury and determine a plan to help it heal. 

In many cases, healing a sprained ankle is as simple as immobilizing it and keeping pressure off of it. We might wrap your foot or fit you with a boot to wear for a few weeks, for example. 

If your ankle issue isn’t getting better, you have options for getting treatment from our team. You can simply walk into either of our SmartClinic Urgent Care clinics in West Covina or Santa Clarita, California, or call the clinic nearest you to schedule an appointment.

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