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SmartClinic Urgent Care

Urgent Care located in West Covina, CA & Santa Clarita, Canyon Country, CA

You don’t have to deal with a painful abscess when there are excellent treatment options available at Smart Clinic Urgent Care, with locations in West Covina and Santa Clarita, California. The medical experts treat abscesses with effective methods, such as in-office drainage, antibiotics, healthy lifestyle changes, and treatments to enhance your immune system and general health. If you have an abscess, don’t hope it will get better. Put your health first and call Smart Clinic Urgent Care or walk-in today.

Abscess Q & A

What is an abscess?

An abscess is a swollen pocket filled with pus that can happen almost anywhere on your body. Abscesses usually occur in the armpit.

If a part of your body becomes infected, your immune system tries to fight off the infection by sending white blood cells to the area. White blood cells result in inflammation, and during this process, pus can build up, creating a mixture of dead and living white blood cells, germs, and dead tissue.

Skin abscesses are easier to detect since they’re typically painful, red, visible raised bumps under your skin’s surface. It isn’t so obvious when you have abscesses inside your body. Internal abscesses can even damage organs, such as the lungs and brain.

If you have an abscess, you might experience other symptoms or signs of infection, such as chills or a high fever. You might also have pain in the affected area or feel generally unwell.

When should I see a doctor about my abscess?

If you have concerns or pain and think it might be related to an abscess or if you visibly notice an abscess, you should visit Smart Clinic Urgent Care for prompt evaluation and treatment.

At Smart Clinic Urgent Care, your provider can examine your skin abscess, perform testing, or provide the right referrals when needed.

What are the treatments for an abscess?

Treatment for your abscess depends on several factors, such as the location and severity of your abscess and your general health. With a small skin abscess, it might shrink or drain naturally, dry up and disappear without any treatment. In some cases, your provider might give you a medication, such as antibiotics, to help you fight the infection.

Some abscesses need to be drained in-office. This usually involves a small incision in your skin over the abscess or the insertion of a needle through your skin.

How can I prevent an abscess?

Most skin abscesses happen when bacteria infect the root of a hair, a minor wound, or a blocked oil or sweat gland. Making sure you keep your skin healthy and clean, and your immune system strong can help decrease your risk of developing skin abscesses.

You can reduce the risk of bacteria spreading by:

  • Washing your hands and body regularly and encouraging your family to do the same
  • Using separate towels and not sharing baths
  • Waiting until your skin abscess has completely healed before using any communal equipment like gym equipment

For more information on abscesses or to seek quality professional medical treatment, click or call Smart Clinic Urgent Care or walk-in to your nearest location today.