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Urinary tract infections (UTIs) are extremely common. More than half of women and about 12% of men will get at least one during their lifetime. With such a large share of the population affected by this uncomfortable condition, it’s not surprising that researchers leapt into action and found an effective...
Your body has an impressive ability: regeneration. You get a cut or a scrape and, with time, that area should knit itself back together. Keep an eye on your wounds, though. That break in your skin provides an opening for unwelcome invaders to get into your system, which can lead...
Kids can be afraid of just about anything. You do what you can to soothe their worries about the monsters under their bed or in their closet, and you want to ease any fears they have about visiting the doctor, too, a worry that affects about half of young kids....
Last year, the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) tallied 2.4 million cases of sexually transmitted diseases (STDs). Most likely, however, more than 2.4 million Americans dealt with STDs in 2023 — because many of these infections come with mild symptoms, or even no symptoms at all. So, how...
Something as simple as eating too much or too quickly can be enough to upset your stomach. On the other side of the spectrum, you might get a stomachache from being overly hungry. Long story short, abdominal pain is fairly commonplace. That doesn’t mean you should ignore it, though. There...
You know that the body needs certain nutrients to thrive. That includes water, vitamins, and minerals. Many folks have taken to carrying a water bottle around in an attempt to stay properly hydrated, and 74% of the American adult population reports taking dietary supplements. Clearly, a lot of people are...
As the hot summer season starts to dwindle, many folks in Los Angeles and the surrounding area are welcoming cooler temperatures. The weather shouldn’t just serve as a reminder to pull your sweaters out from the back of your closet, though. The slight temperature swing that indicates fall is also...
Urinary tract infections (UTIs) affect about half of women at some point during their life, and men can get them, too. Because these infections are so common, medical science has focused on developing effective treatment. For many people, a round of antibiotics clears up the UTI and its symptoms. But...
Your ankles are complicated networks of bones, ligaments, tendons, and muscles, all of which help you stay upright as you move throughout the world. But because your ankles experience some level of stress with each step you take, it’s not surprising that most people run into issues at one point...
Earaches are one of the most common health issues in children. By the time kids turn 3, five out of every six will have had an earache. That information might ease your mind a little, but it doesn’t do anything to ease your child’s ear pain. Fortunately, some at-home care...
When you’re trying to figure out what’s going on with your body, different diagnostic tools come in handy. If you’re squeamish about getting your blood drawn, there’s another noninvasive way we can use your body’s fluids to learn how your system functions. With a urine test — also called urinalysis...
Not so very long ago, what happened inside a living body was a complete mystery. But advances in medical science have provided more and more ways to look below the skin to evaluate the state of things. One of the most recognizable is the X-ray. This tool allows doctors and...
Getting the medical care you need shouldn’t have to be a big hassle or require a long wait. So if you called your doctor and couldn’t get an appointment for weeks, you’ll be glad to know you have an alternative. At SmartClinic Urgent Care in West Covina and Santa Clarita,...
When you get sick, it seems ideal to be able to take a pill to feel better. In the same way ibuprofen can ease a headache, some medication can target the source of your discomfort and help your body heal. That doesn’t mean you should always ask your doctor for...
This has been a particularly active flu season, and the West Coast has reported some of the highest rates of illness in the country. If influenza hasn’t come knocking at your household yet, consider yourself lucky. If you do get the flu, you might be wondering if you should seek...
You know that you should get a physical on a regular basis. Just like taking your car in for an oil change or cleaning out your rain gutters, this preventive care step can go a long way toward helping you avoid serious health issues down the road. Still, most people...
Roughly half of kids ages 2-5 are scared of going to the doctor. It’s no surprise, really. From fear of the unknown to past traumatic experiences like painful shots, there’s a lot to contend with in a child’s mind when it comes to a doctor’s appointment. That doesn’t mean you...
Your sore throat is your body trying to tell you something. Maybe it’s that you sang too loudly at the concert the night before or that you have allergies. But it could also be a sign that your body is fighting an infection. Because you have lymph nodes in your...
Gallstones aren’t always bad. In fact, plenty of people live with them and never even know it. When gallstones travel out of your gallbladder, though, they can cause severe abdominal pain. In fact, if you experience pain in the upper-right portion of your abdomen that comes on suddenly, a gallstone...
When you picture someone getting an IV, it’s probably in a hospital setting. Hospitals use intravenous (IV) treatment because it’s such an effective way to give the person what they need — not just blood but also hydration or medication. Introducing a substance straight into the bloodstream means the body...
Allergies can take many forms and cause a lot of different symptoms. Because an allergy could be to blame for everything from an upset stomach to persistent sneezing, it can get confusing as a parent. Fortunately, getting your child the help they need doesn’t have to be complicated. Why? Because...
Infection often comes with unwelcome symptoms. In some cases, you might even have to deal with swelling and the presence of pus. If you have a swollen area of tissue that contains pus, you have an abscess. Fortunately, we offer easy access to abscess treatment at our SmartClinic Urgent Care...
If you’ve heard about ketamine and wondered if it could help with your depression, it’s well worth talking to a medical professional. Some patients with treatment-resistant major depressive disorder have reported that integrating ketamine into their care plan has been life-changing. If you’ve battled depressive symptoms for years, you might...
You wake up with a sore throat. Now the guessing game begins. Is it a cold or allergies? Is it COVID-19 or the flu? Or is it something else altogether? That’s where the team at SmartClinic Urgent Care comes in. At both of our offices — conveniently located in West Covina...
Your body has an impressive ability to fight things that could hurt it. Part of your immune system response might mean increasing your body’s temperature in an effort to fend off certain illnesses like infections. So on the one hand, that fever could be a good sign — it indicates that...
If you’re experiencing unexplained symptoms around your genitals or unwelcome changes like a burning sensation when you urinate, you might be wondering if a sexually transmitted disease (STD) could be to blame. Ultimately, if you suspect that you have an STD, you need to get tested. At both of our...
It’s the new year, and many people have resolved to make personal changes for a healthier 2023. If you want to improve your health this year and beyond, resolve to get your annual physical. With a quick, painless appointment at either of our SmartClinic Urgent Care offices — located in West Covina and Santa...
’Tis the season — for sickness to go around. It’s right in the thick of flu season. Add the ongoing COVID-19 pandemic and the common cold into the mix, and it’s a recipe for some sick days. The question, though, is: How do you know which illness you have? Because all...
Most people have experienced it. You’re strolling along and you suddenly lose your footing. Maybe you missed a step or didn’t see a small rock that put you off balance. As you try to correct yourself, you feel a sharp, shooting pain in your ankle. You know you’ve sprained it,...
After a long, hot summer here in Southern California, fall likely feels like a welcome reprieve. While cooler weather and the prospect of rain can make life more comfortable, October brings a risk with it. Specifically, it marks the start of flu season. Don’t panic. At SmartClinic Urgent Care in West Covina...
Sometimes, you just need a vacation. But the whole goal is to come home feeling refreshed and rejuvenated. If you’re dealing with jet lag upon your return, it can feel pretty frustrating. Unfortunately, jet lag is fairly common. If you’ve crossed three time zones or more, you might be dealing...
Even though testing and treatment have made significant gains in recent years, sexually transmitted diseases (STDs) are still on the rise. In large part, you can attribute that to the fact that although people can test to find out their status more easily than ever before, many avoid it. Perhaps they...
Finally, the scientific community is beginning to put as much attention and as many resources toward treating mental illness as physical illness. And it’s opening up new doors. As mental health care transforms, researchers are discovering new treatments. That includes a potentially surprising treatment for depression: ketamine. Yes, it’s the...
With wearing masks and attending school from home, a lot of parents got a reprieve from flu season in the past couple of years. But the influenza virus didn’t go away during the COVID-19 pandemic. And while flu season generally doesn’t pick up until the fall, every parent should know...
Your body counts on you to bring in the essential nutrients it needs. And while most people get plenty of carbohydrates and fat and are pretty good about drinking enough water and eating protein, vitamins and minerals can be trickier. It’s especially problematic when it comes to B vitamins because your body...
Your bronchial tubes carry air back and forth from your lungs. When they’re inflamed, you have a condition called bronchitis. That means coughing and possibly a more difficult time breathing. A round of antibiotics usually isn’t the best way to resolve the inflammation. Fortunately, plenty of other treatment options can...
An abscess can occur on virtually any part of your body. You develop this swollen, pus-filled area as a side effect of your immune response to certain infections. Abscesses usually develop when bacteria enter your skin — through a cut or scrape, for example. As your body directs white blood...
Sexually transmitted diseases (STDs), also called sexually transmitted infections (STIs), are more common than a lot of people think. Dozens of different STDs can affect you, with fallout ranging from minor inconveniences to life-changing repercussions. If you’re sexually active, it’s important to know the symptoms of the most common STDs....
A cough can feel like one of those symptoms you don’t need to sweat. You might chalk it up to allergies or think it’s normal, especially if you’re a smoker. The issue, though, is that a cough indicates something’s going on with your body. Also, your persistent cough is likely...
Throughout your life, medical care makes a difference. You know that as you get older, following a specific screening schedule can be quite literally life-saving. But regular doctor’s visits are important in your younger years, too. And they’re especially critical for children and teenagers. Fortunately, getting proper pediatric attention doesn’t...
For a day or two, a sore throat usually isn’t overly concerning. But if you keep waking up with that same telltale discomfort, you might be wondering what to do. A lot of sore throats heal on their own — but not all of them. To help you determine if you...
Getting the medical care you need can be tricky. When symptoms crop up, it might be days — or even weeks — before your primary care physician can get you in for an appointment. That means hoping things clear up on their own, waiting and suffering with your symptoms, or visiting...
Documented evidence of doctors recommending annual physicals to patients goes as far back as 1922. And while recommendations have evolved and some health care providers don’t think all individuals need a yearly visit, periodic physicals play a critical role in preventive care. Getting a regular physical is the best way...
A stomachache here and there is pretty normal when you’re a kid. But if your son or daughter has recurring abdominal pain or digestive problems, it could be a sign of something worth treating. If you think your child might be suffering from a digestive issue, don’t hesitate to visit...
Urinary tract infections (UTIs) have such a big impact on American life that they’re the second-most common type of infection in the country. Even so, many people don’t truly understand the warning signs that they’re dealing with this type of infection in their body. Beyond offering easy-to-access, effective care for...
The past year has required a bit of a balance. On the one hand, you want to be extra careful about any symptoms you experience. On the other, you may think that the last thing you want to do is visit a doctor’s office — full of potentially sick people...
Your abdomen houses a lot of your body’s most important parts and processes, including several key organs and your digestive tract. That’s why pain in your abdominal area can be difficult to nail down. Is it just a stomach ache, or is something more serious going on in your abdomen?...
Urinary tract infections (UTIs) are one of the most common infections in the United States. It may give you some peace of mind knowing you’re not alone in dealing with the uncomfortable symptoms, but if you keep getting UTIs you’re probably feeling pretty frustrated. We’re here to help. At our...
A year into this pandemic, we can celebrate some successes. And testing is definitely one of them. COVID-19 testing has unlocked some return to normalcy, allowing certain industries, events, and groups of people to move safely forward. But if you’re not required to test by an employer, it can be...
Your bronchial tubes play a critical role in your body, serving as pathways for air to flow to and from your lungs. You want these passageways to be as large as possible, allowing yourself to breathe easily. Bronchitis does just the opposite. This condition causes inflammation in your bronchial tubes,...
If you’re sexually active — even with just one partner — it’s smart to watch for signs of common STDs. You can treat many of them easily, and knowing if you’re affected by an STD prevents you from unwittingly passing it on to someone else. But one STD, in particular,...
With all of the obligations and responsibilities that eat up your time — from family to work to basic upkeep — you may wonder if it’s really worth your time and energy to get an annual physical. After all, you feel healthy. Isn’t that enough? Actually, it’s not. Our team...
An abscess is a swollen bump that shows up beneath your skin’s surface. Abscesses occur when a skin injury or hair follicle becomes infected and a pocket of pus forms. An abscess isn’t usually a cause for concern, but it can be painful and the infection can spread. If you’re...
COVID-19 has brought about many changes in our day-to-day lives, including how we access health care. With telemedicine, you still get the care you need and minimize your risk of exposure to COVID-19. Our team at SmartClinic Urgent Care offers telemedicine appointments so we can continue to provide the same...
Having a strong immune system is critical for maintaining good health and well-being. And with COVID-19 still at large and flu season looming, a strong immune system is a must. Of course, making healthy lifestyle choices, eating right, and getting plenty of exercise can help you get there. But those...
Having abdominal pain can be a mild inconvenience or have a significant impact on your well-being. There are several reasons why you may have abdominal pain, ranging from minor muscle strains to appendicitis that requires surgery. Our skilled providers at Smart Clinic Urgent Care often deal with patients suffering from...
You’re getting a scratchy feeling in the back of your throat. Maybe it’s painful when you swallow and your voice sounds a little hoarse. You know it’s a sore throat, but you have no idea what’s causing it. Allergies, the common cold, tonsillitis — the list goes on. That’s why...
Are you coughing, getting headaches, and feeling a little fatigued? These symptoms can be from allergies or a head cold, but they can also indicate a respiratory infection. More often than not, respiratory infection symptoms resolve on their own. But sometimes they can be life-threatening. Our team of medical experts...
Over 1 million people globally acquire a sexually transmitted infection (STI) each day, according to the World Health Organization. STIs can be mild, but they can also do some serious damage to a person’s reproductive health if they’re not treated. However, because of the many myths about STIs, many patients...
Annual physicals are a unique experience for each patient. What happens during your exam depends on many factors, like your health concerns and medical history. To get a better idea of what may happen during your exam, our team at Smart Clinic Urgent Care offers this comprehensive guide. Here is...
You can’t stop coughing, you’re fatigued, and it’s hard to catch your breath. These are all signs of bronchitis. Bronchitis is a respiratory virus that causes inflammation in your bronchial tubes, which carry air to and from your lungs. The inflammation causes mucus to build up in your airways and...
If you’ve ever had a urinary tract infection (UTI), you know how painful and uncomfortable they are. A UTI is an infection that targets your urinary system, so it can affect your ureters, kidneys, bladder, and urethra. A UTI can potentially cause serious health problems if left untreated. A severe...
Did you know that the World Health Organization estimates that nearly 1 million individuals acquire a sexually transmitted disease (STD) daily? Also alarming is that many people might not even have symptoms right away, which puts even more people at risk. STD testing can help you get the treatment you...
It’s that time of year again. The days are shorter, cloudier, and cooler, and you’re doing absolutely everything you can to avoid an illness — from washing your hands constantly to taking gummies and pills chock full of the vitamins and minerals your body needs to stave off sickness. But...
Best case scenario, you should get a flu vaccination before the flu season begins. Usually, that means getting your shot by the end of October. But if life gets in the way and you miss that target date, getting vaccinated now can still offer you and your loved one’s protection! ...